Blacksmith Forge Supplies & Farrier Tools - Centaur Forge

A Pattern Book of Tools and Household Goods

A Pattern Book of Tools and Household Goods
Item Number: BK3025
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Detailed Description

A Pattern Book of Tools and Household Goods
Introduction By: Jane Rees
The Pattern Book of Tools and Household Goods is a beautifully crafted reproduction of an early 19th-century pattern book, likely issued by W. & C. Wynn of Birmingham around 1820. This 90-page paperback features 83 plates of tools, including nine fold-out plates, all reproduced at full size. The book includes hundreds of black-and-white drawings depicting a wide variety of tools and household goods, such as kitchen tools, corkscrews, garden tools, watch and clock tools, coopers' tools, shoemakers' tools, gun tools, and even personal accessories like key rings and fingernail clippers. An illustrated introduction by Jane Rees provides context, and as a bonus, each copy contains a reprint of an 1810 W. & C. Wynn price list in a back pocket. This publication, supported by the Mark Rees Publication Fund, is the first of its kind to be reprinted at full size, making it a unique resource for enthusiasts and historians interested in tools and household goods.

Key Features:
  • Pages: 90
  • Format: Paperback with hundreds of black-and-white drawings
  • Historical Reproduction: Full-size plates of tools and household goods from the early 19th century.
  • Bonus Content: Includes a reprint of an 1810 W. & C. Wynn price list.